“Talking” Points

I just wanted to address some talking points I hear over, and over, and over, and over…..

      When people spout out ridiculous terms like Homosexual Behavior, Activists, Preference, Liberal, Extreme, Radical, Choice, Agenda, Morality, Destructive, Perversion, Lifestyle and all other ignorant and non-applicable talking points, they may as well hold a sign up that states in bold letters, “I have spent little time earnestly getting to know loving same gender people/couples.”  My initial thought is usually; there is no substitute for experience.  Until you walk a mile in a gay persons shoes, you have no substantial input to offer.  I really cannot engage in a decent debate on the Muslim culture because I’m not Muslim nor have I done the necessary time researching their culture.  Similarly I’m not black (and they have their culture).  Now I’m not saying that unless we “are” we need to be silent, however we need to be very careful with stereotypes and spewing things when we have not done our due diligence.
      I also have to roll my eyes when I hear some spout out, “talk about intolerance, gays are intolerant if you don’t agree with gay marriage etc.”  First off no one needs anyone to agree, believe in, or tolerate anything.  We should however, ALL be striving toward celebrating each individual culture/community.  That being said a hundred years ago there was “another side” to women’s rights, fifty years ago there was “another side” to black’s rights.  Today if anyone disputed their rights they would be viewed as strange (at the very least).  A few years from now there will not be “another side” to gay rights either.  Let’s all wake up, smell the inclusive coffee and celebrate one another.

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One response to ““Talking” Points

  1. Charles

    Excellent point, Jason. Most objections to gay people and their unions are made from philosophical viewpoints and far away from real people. I have never met anyone whose objections and prejudices were not substantially shattered once they got to know an LGBT person or realized that someone they knew was in fact LGBT.

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