Duck Dynasty

I fought fervently to stay out of this nonsensical debacle however after a whirlwind of input requests decided to oblige my devotees – half joke, of course.

All jokes aside; you cannot bash and trash a minority group and then hide behind the cover of religion (done so many times in the past) and expect to keep a public position. Have we learned nothing from Paula Deen!?!  Phil Robertson was rightfully fired from A&E. And last I knew Phil Robertson is still a free man so those throwing the first amendment phrase around like a volley-ball need to take pause.

Phil Robertson did not kindly state his personal biblical interpretation of gay people and opposition of gay marriage and simply get fired (as we often hear on Fox ruse). Like all extremists his vile attacks and lies were offensive and damaging “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.” I would be deeply saddened to have my son read or hear these statements made about his dads.

I do believe in the first amendment and freedom of speech. I do not however believe freedom of speech equates to freedom from consequence. I am a public educator and can pretty much say anything I want to my students without getting arrested. That does not mean, however, that I will not get fired for doing so.


Filed under Bashing, Bible, Bullying, Christian, Civil, Civil Rights, Discrimination, Equality, Gay, Gay bashing, Homosexuality, Intolerance, Religious bullying, Uncategorized

2 responses to “Duck Dynasty

  1. silhouette74

    I love how his words were misconstrued and taken out of context. He was ASKED a question and he answered honestly in what he feels a sin was. He believes that homosexuality is a sin, he has the right to believe that. He did NOT say it was the same as beastiality or adultary etc, he said he also believed those were sins. I think that is necessary and important to point out. We all have our opinions on what we feel are sins, he should NOT of been fired for stating what he felt was a sin when asked a direct question about it. His “vile attacks”? Talk about blowing it out of proportion. I think you are a little too close to the situation for you to take an objective view of this, it was probably better left unsaid.

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